Friday, May 20, 2016

Those Who Need It

Why did God send Jesus to us?  Was it so those who were already followers of God could learn more about the Law?  Was it to encourage those who already went to the synagogues to go more often? 

At one point in His earthly life, Jesus was asked why He spent so much time with sinners.  In Mark 2:17, the Bible says, “When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

Jesus did not spend His time reaching out to the healthy.  He was reaching the unreached.  He did not focus on those who were saturated with Biblical teaching every week, He found the ones who had not heard of Him, or knew Him.  In addition to evangelism in unreached areas, two of Global Infusion’s latest mission teams were able to visit prisoners in prison.  They shared the Gospel, they prayed with and for the inmates, and lives were changed. 

Imagine living in a country that is not saturated with the Gospel, churches, Christian radio and TV.  It’s one thing to hear the message of salvation and continually reject it, it’s quite another to never have had the chance to accept Jesus. This is why Global Infusion goes to regions of the world where the name of Jesus is not known.  It is why we go beyond the capital cities to the remote villages and cities—it is not the healthy that need doctor, but the sick.

Pray for us this summer, we are about to launch out fifteen more teams around the world.  Each of them will be evangelizing, helping to meet physical needs through food and medicine, and reaching people in a personal way with the power of the Holy Spirit.  Pray for souls to be saved, and lives to be transformed.  We also need more people to partner with the vision of Global Infusion to reach people around the world with the Gospel.  Pray, and consider supporting GI on a monthly basis.  Your support allows us to send hundreds of people to the mission field every year, and see lives transformed for eternity. 

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