Friday, January 29, 2016


Every January, I think back on the previous year and what God has done through Global Infusion.  In 2015, we sent out 24 mission teams, and launched 2 full-time missionaries.  I think about the hundreds, if not, thousands of lives that were changed.  Many people received Jesus for the first time, and many more received care and the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothes, medical treatment, and education.

It is January again.  On January 1st I thought about how many thousands of people could we potentially reach with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the next 365 days.  How many more new souls will be in the Kingdom by December 31, 2016.  Well, that all depends.  It depends on how many people will say “yes” to the call of missions.  It depends on how many people will support Global Infusion as we are only limited in our outreaches by the amount of funds we have raised prior to each trip.  It depends on how many of us will pray for the nations.

Go. Give. Pray.   These are the three ways that God can use us to accomplish His will.  In Habakkuk 1:5, God says, “Look among the nations and watch— Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you.”

The salvation of people in this world all starts and ends with Jesus, yet He has called us to join Him.  Who will go?  Who will give?  Who will pray? 

It is January, but think ahead.  Before the ball drops on New Years Eve of 2016, wouldn’t you like to say that you were a part of seeing souls reached for Jesus?  People who have never heard the Gospel even once?  How about those who live in abject poverty that do not have government assistance or the resources of the United States?  Those who live in garbage dumps.  Children who begin working full-time in the fields before the age of 10.  Those who fear for their life because of an oppressive political regime or demonically saturated religions in their country that seek to destroy them.  365 days. The clock is ticking. What will you do?

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