Imagine with me that you are living in a third-world country. Not only do you face intense physical hardships of living in this place, like malnutrition, dehydration, and prevalent sickness in your community, but you have no hope for the life beyond the one you’re living. You are lost, without Christ.
How would you feel if you discovered that there were millions of people in the world around you who know how to get to a perfect place after they die, to spend eternity with their Creator, but they never told you about it? These people also have the resources to provide you with food, clean water, and medicine, but they never brought it to you.
What would your reaction be if, when you confronted them, they told you that they were commanded only to share this Good News with people who were already in their path of life? They understood their mandate to mean that they should just live their lives (wherever life brought them) and let that be their witness?
Jesus was intentional about everything He did. He came to our world, at a specific moment in history, to accomplish many specific tasks. And at the end of His time on earth, He said “Go.”
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
There are some people in this world that need direct intervention if they are going to live in this life without pain, and make it to eternity in Heaven with Christ, and they need it now. They need those who call themselves Christians to do something to reach them, rather than have them assume someone else “called” to the mission field will do it.
This month, Global Infusion is sending mission teams to Nicaragua, Thailand, the Philippines, Ukraine, China, Nepal, Guatemala and Tanzania. We are intentionally going into the world, as Christ commanded us, far from home, in order to reach the unreached.
It is time to consider our priorities as Christians. What are we doing in our life that is different than a non-Christian? What is more important than reaching the lost with the Gospel? To answer that question, think about where your treasure is (your time, money, emotional investments). For where you treasure is, there your heart is.
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