Just a few hours ago, the GI team was at the airport, watching one of our Global Interns board a plane bound for Thailand. Summer Barbely will be stationed in Bangkok for the next 6 months with one of our Thai contacts. She has prepared, trained, and prayed for this moment. It was not bittersweet for us in the least. Of course we will miss her, but our happiness superceded any sense of loss. We know that God has called her for such a time as this.
I often wish everyone could understand what it takes to do something like what she is doing, or our past interns and staff have done, by living overseas long-term. I wish everyone could see how hard our teams work to raise funds, pray, and get ready to reach the lost with the Gospel. This life you and I are living is not a game. It is not a cosmic joke, or an experiment. We live in a real world, full of real sin, full of real people who need a Savior or they will die eternally. The simple fact is this: if we do not go, they will not hear. If you cannot go, send someone else.
It is very important to be a light wherever you are, but it is also important for us as Christians to intentionally go places where the light of God is very dim; places that do not have a church on every block, a downtown rescue mission, or hundreds of assistance programs to potentially lean on.
What goes through your mind when you read verses such as Luke 14:26-27? “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” Apparently Jesus is quite serious about following Him and building His Kingdom. I encourage you to partner with Global Infusion, as we continually reach hundreds and thousands of lives with the Gospel. We can change the world, together.
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