Friday, May 1, 2009

The Wonder of it All

I am extremely happy to report that over the last week, Global Infusion staff and interns have trained over 50 college students for the mission field. We have just returned from Sterling, Kansas where we facilitated a Ropes Course missions training event to get our teams ready for the foreign mission field. They will be going to India, Ghana, Egypt and Thailand. It was the first time Sterling College had ever had such training for their missions program. Additionally, we held services nightly that continued the encouragement and preparation for their trip. The times of worship were absolutely amazing! While the “band” was made up of exclusively GI staff and interns who had never played or sang together even once, God truly showed up.

With 50+ students going on mission trips for several weeks at a time, there will be literally hundreds of hours of ministry, outreach, evangelism, teaching, and medical work occurring this summer. These students could have opted to work, go on vacation, take summer school, or just do nothing at all. Instead, they answered the call of the Great Commission, and as a result, lives will be touched and changed for eternity. Turn off the news feeds into your house, your mind, and your heart. God’s economy has nothing to do with the state that America is in. In the midst of a “recession,” college students raised thousands of dollars, and made a cognizant decision to do something meaningful and significant with their lives. You can do it too! Age is of no consequence to the calling of God. There is always a way to get plugged into Global Infusion, and reach out to people with Gospel of Jesus Christ. Time is short. The harvest is plentiful. God’s supply will never run out. Pray. Go. Invest. Now is the time.

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