There are many people in this world who are blinded by Satan and his lies. They have been offered false gods to worship, they are enticed with sin, and they are surrounded by governments and media that proactively diminish, distort, or refute the very existence of God. With no moral or spiritual compass other than their own finite minds, they are easily captured by the enemy.
God’s Word is not just a book. Its verses are not just words. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” What an amazing concept: the Word of God is alive, and it is powerful! When we travel overseas with mission teams, we are going for the purpose of telling others about Jesus; what He has done for them; His plan of salvation; and how they can be set free from the bondage of sin, death, sickness, and an eternity apart from God. The unreached need to hear the Word of God because they are spiritually dead, and God’s Word is life. They need to hear what some believe are “just words” because they are weak, and His Word is powerful.
I’ve heard people, even Pastors, question the purpose of mission trips, saying that they are a waste of money. When I stand on foreign soil watching our teams interact with indigenous people and share the Gospel, I wish Christians, who think they are somehow exempt from foreign missions, could see the impact and results that I see. If the Bible and our testimonies are just words, let me remind you that God created the universe with “just words.” Lazarus was raised from the dead with “just words.” A stormy sea was made calm with “just words.” Jesus could have come down from the cross using “just words.” Lives are being touched and changed for eternity all over the world because GI’s teams are opening their mouths and allowing the Spirit of God to use them, and their words.
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