Saturday, November 30, 2013

GI in Asia

Our November team to India has returned and we thank God for the many great testimonies from their trip.  The team held two multi-day conferences for over 100 village Pastors in two different regions of India, including the state of Orissa, which is one of the most highly anti-Christian and persecuted areas in the entire country.  The team also evangelized and held open-air services in three very remote villages that are dominated by Hinduism.  Watch the video update.

Our November team to Thailand has also returned from the mission field.  This team ministered on the streets of Bangkok in some of the most intense areas of the city.  They reached out to trafficked women, prostitutes (male and female), children on the street, club owners and workers, and many others.  They also traveled to remote Thai villages to preach the Gospel, train leaders, and encourage the believers.

Thank you to all of our supporters who prayed and gave toward these trips.  We believe that many souls will now enter the Kingdom as they turn from the extreme darkness of the enemy.  Thailand and India are plagued by Hinduism and Buddhism—the enemy has blinded millions of people, but Global Infusion teams regularly infiltrate that darkness and bring the light and love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We already have more than 15 teams scheduled for 2014.  Please consider partnering with us as we bring the Good News to the world.
So that none will be lost,

Jonathan Haward, President
Global Infusion

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