Saturday, November 1, 2008

Two Kingdoms

The battle for the Presidency of America has concluded, at least for a few years. Whether or not the candidate you were hoping to see occupy the White House was elected, one thing is for sure: God is in control. If we as Christians think for one second that government is the answer to any of our problems, we are sadly mistaken. Regardless of what party is in power, we must pray for our leaders and seek the Lord for ourselves. There are no country borders in the spiritual realm. There are no political parties or elections. There are, however, two kingdoms that exist. And it doesn’t matter where you stand on the planet, you belong to one of the two. Citizenship is gained into one of them by repentance and a confession of faith. If this profession has not been made, then by default, you are a citizen of the other kingdom.

In the kingdom of darkness, people serve a leader that seeks to kill them, steal from them, and destroy them. His plan for their lives involves separating each person from their Creator for eternity, making them sick, distraught, sad, angry, hateful, and poor. In the Kingdom where Jesus Christ is Lord, the citizens receive good and perfect gifts, and He seeks to bring His people abundant life. This King gave His very life, so everyone might have the opportunity to share in eternity with God Himself.

2 Cor. 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Real change does not occur in government, but in the hearts of men and women. As a Christian, you must realize that the whole world needs changing. Billions are without Christ, and they will not hear about Him unless some of us go. Global Infusion is a Kingdom tool to reach people all over the world who exist in the kingdom of darkness, and need a Savior.

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