Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Short Term

During my GI missions training sessions with our teams, I typically start with one concept that provides the framework for our trips:  short-term strengthens the long-term.  Our friends, family, and contacts on the ground in the foreign mission field that are there for the long term have a vision from God.  They have a plan for reaching their nation for Christ, but they cannot do it alone.  As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:14, “the body is not one member, but many.”

I believe that when we as Christians realize that we truly are on the same team, only then do we not worry about anyone getting the glory except Jesus.  How do we see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven?  If Heaven is populated by every nation, tribe and tongue, then we must mirror that here on earth—we work together in unity, by the power of the Holy Spirit to see transformation in the lives of people.

It is exciting to watch a mission team arrive in one of our countries where we work, and begin to minister.  They bring energy, joy, and encouragement to the men and women (and their families) that live there long-term.  You can almost see the weariness of a lifetime of ministry begin to fade on the faces of our contacts as they watch a group of people embrace their vision and serve alongside them.

All of life’s problems cannot be solved in a week, or two, or even a month—especially in the areas we work around the world where the living circumstances are dire for those we are ministering to.  However, when GI teams continually show up year after year, and we serve in a godly partnership with those who are serving long-term, we see results.  The lost are reached.  The hungry are fed. The sick are prayed for, receive medical treatment, and recover.

Pray for Global Infusion.  Pray for our staff, volunteers, interns, missionaries stationed overseas and our teams.  Each year we grow and we are sending more laborers out into the harvest field.  Your prayers and financial support allows us to reach those who need Jesus.

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