After 10 years of existence, Global Infusion is starting to see more and more returns on our investments of teams, prayer, humanitarian aid, stationing our interns around the world, and so much more. God has been good, and I believe this is still only the beginning.
In 2013, we sent out 22 mission teams all over the world. We saw many salvations, our teams discipled and trained new believers, and indigenous Pastors, we fed hundreds of people, we went into unreached villages with the Gospel, even to the ends of the earth, including our team to Nepal that trekked 80 miles to and from Mount Everest to reach unreached people in the Himalayan mountains!
Team Nepal at Mt. Everest's Base Camp (18,000 feet) |
EGYPT. The Land of Pharaohs.
To begin 2014, our first Global Infusion mission team will be traveling to the Middle East, and working in the country of Egypt. 95% of Egypt’s 80 million people profess to be Muslim. Pray for our team as we go in to a very non-Christian nation to proclaim the love of God and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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In John 4:35, Jesus says, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” The time to harvest lost souls is now. We have a plan, ordained by God, to reach them. We need you. Come with us. Support us. Pray for us. It is all for Him, and His Kingdom.