Thursday, September 26, 2013


If you have been following the news in the last few weeks, you will know that the small country of Syria has been making big news.  There are many allegations of human atrocities that have occurred within the borders of Syria, and now the world is reacting.  Politics aside, there has been great confusion regarding the next step the United States and other countries should take.  Although it is a complicated situation, that should not prevent the ability for world leaders to provide a clear vision and direction.

When God saw the earth was corrupt, He destroyed it with a flood.  When He saw people building a tower to Heaven, He confused their languages and spread them across the planet.  When He saw the atrocities of Sodom and Gomorrah, he destroyed it with fire.  When His chosen people were held captive in Egypt, He provided the Promised Land, and leaders to get them there.  When He saw humanity being lost to sin, death, hell and the grave, He sent Jesus to save us.  “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one, and only Son….” (John 3:16).

There is always a Godly solution to every trial, problem and challenge, it just comes down to whether or not we humble ourselves, pray, and ask God to heal our broken land or situation.

The vision of Global Infusion is clear.  Our goal is to infuse indigenous people of foreign nations with the power and tools necessary to attain a healthier way of life for the whole person.  The majority of the world is lost, and God’s kingdom must grow.  Lost people will not be found unless someone is looking for them.  For you see, it is not the lost that must come to church, but the Church that must go to the lost.

Your involvement in Global Infusion truly touches and changes lives for eternity.  Whether you pray for us, financially support us, or go with us overseas on our mission trips, know that souls are being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.  If you are not a monthly supporter of GI, please consider partnering with us, so we can reach even more people for His Kingdom.