What an amazing month we are having. As I write these words, we currently have 7 teams in the field: Ghana, Guatemala, Nepal, the Philippines, Ukraine, Uruguay, and one closed nation. We have just received 3 teams back from the field - a total of 10 teams in a single month. God is doing some great things through Global Infusion.
Report from the field: Guatemala
Our Guatemala Team Leader reported that on one day, the team went to an unreached village with 50 bags of food for distribution (each bag weighs 50-60 lbs, and can feed a family of 4-5 for up to 1-month). They handed out 50 bags, yet somehow there were 4 bags left over – so they began dividing it up and they ended up feeding 7 more additional families. 57 families total – about 250 people received a month’s supply of food, and the Gospel message. Thank you Lord for miracles! On another day, our team ministered in a garbage dump where hundreds of people live. There are no churches, denominations, missions organizations or government programs helping them. Our team brought food, clothes, and facilitated a VBS day with the kids in the dump and also ministered to the adults.
Report from the field: Philippines
Our contact in the Philippines has let us know that our team has gone out to a village to work with sugarcane farmers and workers. These people are extremely poor and work in tough conditions. He explains, “when the farmers bring in their sugarcane [to the mills], it would not be processed on the same day, but [the mills] would wait for about a week or so. And then by the time their sugarcane is processed, they are not paid on the agreed amount.” Our team was taught how to make sugar from sugarcane, and literally worked alongside the farmers so the door would be opened for the Gospel to be shared. Next, they are headed to a remote unreached village where our contact has a relationship with some people there, and is wanting to plant a church.
These two brief testimonies are just from one day on the mission field. Imagine what is happening for the Kingdom of God during the month of May as we have 10 mission teams in the field. With your prayers and financial support, we can do so much more for those who are in need, and who are also in need of our Savior. Please pray for our teams this month as they are on the frontlines of battle.