Friday, August 24, 2012

GI Relocating to Colorado

It is with great excitement that I can announce to you that this month, Global Infusion begins relocating to Colorado Springs, Colorado.

There are several reasons for our move.  First and foremost, I believe God has spoken to me very specifically about doing this.  As Global Infusion grows, we must be ready for the changes God requires in order to see us grow successfully.  Each year, we send out more and more mission teams to our sites around the world.  This necessitates more volunteers and workers at our head office.

One of my dreams is to see our Global Intern program taken to a level that not only allows young people to be a part of sending out our teams by working at our office, but also training them to be ready to work overseas with our contacts on a long-term basis. 

An effective intern program requires several key components including, training, education, pastoral oversight, and field experience.  Over the years we have accomplished each of these to a degree, however, we truly want to bring this element of Global Infusion to a new level.

My vision for our Global Intern program is not to have an ambiguous ministry training school that loosely teaches basic theology, then “graduates” students, hoping they can find some sort of employment.  Our contacts need people to help them in active, daily ministry, where they are reaching people in their nation for Christ — they also need this help as soon as possible.  However, we do not want to send people who have no direction in life, and would become a liability.  We want to launch out well-trained, well-equipped, experienced, and anointed young men and women of God that will be an asset.

Additionally, we are relocating to Colorado Springs because of a strong relationship I have with a fellow laborer, and brother in Christ, whom I have known personally for over 15 years.  Pastor Jayde Duncan is the Senior Pastor of Freedom Church, who has been a tremendous supporter of Global Infusion’s vision since day one.  Each year he and his church have faithfully sent several mission teams to our foreign mission sites, provided trained facilitators to help me prepare mission teams, supported us in prayer, and assisted GI in a variety of other ways.

Relocating comes with many costs, besides the physical.  It also comes with mental, emotional and even spiritual challenges.  Please pray for our ministry through this transition.  There is also a financial cost involved, and we are calling on you, our partners in ministry to consider donating towards these expenses.  I truly believe we are being obedient to God in this relocation, and I also believe that we will be able to do more for the kingdom of God as a result of this move than ever before.