Just a few days ago, we celebrated the seventh anniversary of Global Infusion. In the past three months, we have had 10 different missions teams on the field. Shortly before our actual anniversary date, we had an amazing day. For the first time ever, there were FIVE different Global Infusion teams on the field simultaneously — and because they were on different continents, our teams were actively reaching the lost around the world twenty-four hours a day! Teams were in the countries of Thailand, Guatemala, Ukraine, Egypt and Ghana. God has truly been faithful to us over the past seven years of our existence - the fruit of our labors are seeing a harvest.
You have probably heard a sermon preached, or read an article or book about mankind's search for significance. Last month, in the country of South Africa, the culmination of billions of dollars being spent on marketing, ticketing, merchandising, advertising, training, and travel occurred when one man from the country of Spain kicked a soccer ball into a net. A significant moment in sports history. Yet I think about how much time, money and energy was required to reach this moment -- and how many millions of people were involved in making it happen. Then I think about this one goal's eternal significance compared to our five mission teams on the field. While the world celebrates a goal, we are celebrating thousands upon thousands of people being reached with the Gospel, and also seeing physical needs being met.
Many of our teams are ministering among unreached people groups. If you are unfamiliar with the term "unreached people," the Joshua Project defines it as: "An unreached or least-reached people is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group."
Global Infusion teams try to reach people who do not have a church to attend (sometimes within several hundred miles), no pastor, no access to medical care, education, or even employment. They have limited government assistance, if any at all, and rarely make demands for their rights (because they usually have none). You see, there is a reason that people are unreached -- they are hard to get to, and it costs a lot of money and time to reach them.
More Infusion Adventures (GI mission trips) are coming up in the Fall and Winter, and we are excited about how God is using our teams to help build His Kingdom. It is almost overwhelming to hear the testimonies pouring from people who have answered the call to the foreign mission field. Humble, determined Christians who are actively fulfilling Jesus' mandate to reach the world for Him. Quite incredible. Very (eternally) significant.