If you have never looked into the eyes of a malnutritioned person, there is a part of your heart that has not yet been broken. The images you have seen on television showing starvation around the world simply pale in comparison to standing in front of a live human being who lacks a basic necessity of life.
Our lives in the West are extremely convenient. Many times when I travel, I get frustrated when I do not have quick access to the goods and services I am used to living with at home. One becomes very resourceful at times like these, however, there are many people in this world who face insurmountable circumstances. They will not overcome these challenges without outside intervention.
When I was in the country of Guatemala a few months ago, I met a Pastor who has taken what responsibility he can to help a group of 6,000 people who are experiencing starvation as you read these words. 1,200 of them are under six years of age, or over sixty-five; these are considered high-risk, which means they will be the first to die.
In conjunction with Pastor Oseas, Global Infusion has researched the costs and distribution methods to help families obtain food. We are only limited by financial resources. There are people ready to go to Guatemala right now to literally deliver food to those who are in need. All of these volunteers are believers who are trained to concurrently share the Gospel with each family. Pray, give, or go - you can help make this vision a reality.