Sunday, July 1, 2007

Just one little thing

In my recent trip to Egypt, I was with a few members of our team, late one night, in a perfume shop speaking with the owner.  There were places to sit for the patrons to relax and decide what to buy.  We took advantage of these seats, but we were there for a different reason.  Earlier in the day, one of our team members saw the potential for sharing Jesus with this man, so she promised to return, bring some friends, and spend some time talking together.

This young man seemed like a prosperous businessman, and he made it very apparent that he was a devout Muslim.  You could see in his eyes, and hear in his voice, that he truly believed what he was saying.  He knew that we were Christians, and he went on endlessly about how he believed Christians and Muslims were virtually the same in their beliefs.  He talked about how we both seek peace, joy, health, wisdom, and eternal life.  We seek to better the world we live in, and he gave many personal (almost Pastoral) examples from his own life.  We give alms (tithes) to God.  We pray to the same God.  Most of what he was saying was debatable at the least, but at the end of his comparison, he said, “There’s just one little thing that makes us different.”  That one little thing he was referring to, was of course, Jesus Christ.  That one little thing is certainly not little; in fact, it, or He, is the only thing.

We are not the same, my Egyptian friend.  What separates us now is what will separate us for eternity if you do not accept Jesus as Lord.  There are many people in this world that are confused, blinded, and lost.  Global Infusion has been reaching them, and we will continue to reach them with your support.  Please prayerfully consider how God will use you to support our ongoing vision to impact the nations for Him.